Saturday, April 21, 2007

Quality, not quantity... / Calitate, nu cantitate...

Recent, potrivit unui articol publicat in "New Scientist", cercetatorii au descoperit ca cimpanzeii sunt mai "evoluati" decat oamenii. Se stie ca stramosul comun al cimpanzeului si omului a trait in urma cu aproximativ 6 milioane de ani, cand liniile evolutive ale celor doua specii au inceput sa se desparta. Comparand genomul celor doua specii, s-a ajuns la concluzia ca, fata de genomul stramosului comun, genomul cimpanzeului contine mai multe gene schimbate prin selectie naturala decat genomul uman, si anume 233 cimpanzeul, fata de 154 omul.
Aceasta descoperire dovedeste inca o data in plus ca, in evolutie, nu cantitatea face diferenta, ci calitatea.

Recently, according to an article published in "New Scientist", researchers found that the chimps are more "evolved" than humans. It is well known that the common ancestor of the chimp and human lived approximately 6 million years ago, when the two lineages diverged. Comparing the genome of the two species, the scientist concluded that, since the two species diverged, 233 chimp genes have been changed by natural selection, compared with only 154 human genes.
This proves once again that in evolution it is the quality that matters, not the quantity.

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