60% din totalul defrisarilor care au loc la nivel mondial se datoreaza agriculturii de subzistenta. Sunt ca niste cicatrici care se vad chiar si din spatiu. Daca vrem sa ne pastram padurile, va trebui sa rezolvam problema saraciei care determina populatia din tarile sarace sa defriseze suprafete intinse de padure tropicala pentru a practica agricultura si a-si asigura subzistenta... sau pur si simplu pentru profit. Padurile tropicale constituie cea mai importanta sursa de biodiversitate. Distrugerea lor atrage dupa sine pierderi incomensurabile care pericliteaza evolutia vietii pe Terra si insasi supravietuirea speciei umane si expansiunea acesteia in spatiu. Cucerirea spatiului va constitui, in ultima instanta, nu numai meritul inteligentei umane, ci al intregii biosfere.
60% of the world deforestation is due to subsistence agriculture. They are like scars which can be seen even from space. If we want to keep out forests, we would have to fix the problem of poverty first, which makes the population from poor countries to cut large areas of tropical forest for agriculture... or maybe only for profit. The tropical forests are the most important source of biodiversity. Their destruction will cause incommensurable losses which endangers the evolution of life on Earth, the survival of human specie itself and its expansion beyond Earth, in space. The conquest of space will be the merit not only of the human intelligence alone, but of the intelligence of the entire biosphere and Earth.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Deforestation / Despaduririle
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9:13 PM
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