Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pastila de gandit/ Food for Thought

Viata, prin urmare, nu se mai formeaza astazi in mod direct, plecand de la elementele continute in Litosfera sau in Hidrosfera, aceasta se intampla din cauza faptului ca aparitia Biosferei a deranjat, a saracit si a risipit atat de tare chimismul primordial al fragmentului nostru de Univers incat fenomenul nu s-ar mai putea produce niciodata (poate doar artificial).

(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Fenomenul uman)


Therefore, Life does not arise anymore today directly, from elements cointained inside the Lithosphere or the Hydrosphere, because the emergence of the Biosphere has disturbed, deprived and dispersed the primordial chemistry of our little fragment of Universe, so that the phenomenon cannot happen again (maybe only artificially).

(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Human phenomenon)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prin 1960 au aparut bacteriile mancatoare de naylon (nu au aparut pana acuma pentru ca nu exista naylonul, fiind produs de om). Deci ori purta Eva ciorapi de naylon, ori o aparut bacteria asta prin evolutie.