Sunday, May 29, 2005


"A strange idea was pecking at his brain like a chicken in the egg, and very, very much absorbed him."(Raskolnikov)
Most people who ask themselves the question "which came first, the chicken or the egg", find themselves, I believe, in a logical error, or what Henry Bergson would say, a pseudo-problem. The logical error consist in beliveing that the chicken and the egg are two separate and distinct organisms, which they are not. They are part of the same organism, they ARE the same organism, although they are separated in time and space, at least temporarily. The chicken and the egg are part of the same life cicle. To ask which came first, the chicken or the egg is the same as asking which came first, me or my liver. The egg can be viewed as another organ of the chicken, although separated from it at some extent. I know that this explanation is counterintuitive, which eplains why this error is so common.
Majoritatea celor care ajung sa-si puna intrebarea "care a fost prima data, oul sau gaina?", sunt victima unei erori logice sau, cum ar spune Henri Bergson, o "falsa problema". Eroarea logica consta in a crede ca oul si gaina sunt doua organisme separate, distincte, ceea ce nu este adevarat. Oul si gaina sunt doua parti ale unuia si aceluiasi organism. De fapt SUNT acelasi organism, in ciuda faptului ca par separati in timp si spatiu. Oul si gaina sunt doua stadii ale aceluiasi ciclu de viata. A intreba care a fost prima data, oul sau gaina, este acelasi lucru cu a intreba "cine a fost prima data, eu sau ficatul meu?" Oul poate fi interpretat ca fiind nimic altceva decat un simplu organ al gainii, desi el apare separat de aceasta. Stiu ca aceasta explicatie este foarte putin intuitiva, fapt ce explica frecventa acestei erori.

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