From time to time I have read scholarly speculations about the birth of the ego. One school of thought on this subject is that, until around the time of the Greek poet Homer, when men and women heard a little voice in their head they thought they were hearing the voice of the gods speaking directly to them. Eventually, some hypothesize, it was recognized that this little voice was actually the human ego and not the gods speaking directly to us. Perhaps it is time to reconsider the source of those little voices. Perhaps our ancient ancestors actually did hear voices other than their own.
During this past year, I have paid more attention to the source of some of my thoughts. In doing so, I have come to the realization that more and more of my thinking has to do with this planet, her ecology, and the biosphere as a whole. My Western-trained mind, of course, notes that these thoughts obviously come from somewhere in the depths of my psyche, that my subconscious has deemed it time to bring these thoughts to the surface of my mind. Yet I cannot help thinking that perhaps, just perhaps, it is Gaia's voice I am hearing. Is it possible, I wonder, that humankind became so enamoured of this thing we call the ego that we lost our awareness that there are other entities who still communicate with us in some non-verbal ways? Shamans claim to have the ability to communicate with non-human entities. Why shouldn't everyone be able to use this facility, I ask myself?
Now I approach these questions from a different point of view. To satisfy my Western mind, I allow for the possibility that these thoughts of deep ecology that seem to spring forth unbidden are simply evidence of my own consciousness becoming more aware of the world in which it finds itself. To satisfy my soul, I like to think that Gaia is speaking directly to me. So, when I see a little shard of glass while walking on the beach, it isn't my conscience telling me to pick it up, it is Gaia, herself. For me, the message has more meaning if I think of it in this way. In the end it really does not matter where these thoughts are coming from, as long as I heed them.
Din cand in cand am citit speculatii academice despre nasterea ego-ului, a sinelui. O anumita scoala de gandire sustine ca in perioada marelui poet grec Homer, cand barbatul si femeia obisnuiau sa auda o voce discreta in minte, credea ca aud vocea zeilor vorbindu-le personal. In cele din urma, cred unii, s-a ajuns la concluzia ca aceasta voce discreta era de fapt ego-ul uman, si nu vocea zeilor. Poate ca este timpul sa revizuim parerea noastra despre sursa adevarata a acelor voci. Poate ca stramosii nostri auzeau intr-adevar in mintea lor voci care nu le apartineau.
Pe parcursul acestui an am acordat o mai mare atentie asupra provenientei unora dintre propriile mele ganduri. Astfel am ajuns sa realizez ca gandirea mea are din ce in ce mai mult de-a face cu aceasta planeta, ecologia acesteia, precum si cu biosfera ca un intreg. Formatia mea de tip occidental este convinsa desigur ca aceste ganduri provin de undeva din profunzimile psihicului meu, ca subconstientul meu a considerat de cuviinta sa scoata aceste ganduri la suprafata. Cu toate acestea nu-mi pot refuza sa nu ma gandesc la posibilitatea, oricat de implauzibila, ca aceste ganduri, aceste "voci" sa fie in realitate vocea zeitei Gaia. Ma intreb daca nu cumva este posibil ca omenirea sa se fi indragostit atat de mult de acest "obiect" numit "ego", "sine" incat sa fi pierdut intuitia in existenta si a altor entitati capabile sa comunice cu noi poate la modul non-verbal. Samanii pretind ca au abilitatea de a comunica cu entitati non-umane. Ma intreb oare de ce nu am avea cu totii aceasta abilitate?
Acum abordez problema cu totul altcumva. Pentru a-mi satisface gandirea de sorginte vestica, imi permit sa cred in posibiliatea ca aceste ganduri ce tin de "ecologie profunda" care par sa rasara aparent fara piedica sunt pur si simplu dovezi ale propriei mele constiinte devenite... constiente de lumea in care exista. Pentru a-mi satisface sufletul, imi place sa cred faptul ca Gaia imi vorbeste direct mie. Deci, in momentul in care vad un ciob de sticla in timp ce ma plimb pe plaja, nu propria mea constiinta imi spune sa o ridic de jos, ci Gaia insasi. Pentru mine mesajul are mai multa semnificatie daca il privesc astfel. In ultima instanta, nu este important de unde vin aceste ganduri, atata timp cat le dau atentie.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Publicat de
6:30 AM
Etichete: Miscellaneous
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