Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Cimpanzeii ii surclaseaza pe oameni la testul de memorie/ Chimps beat humans in memory test

Cercetarile sugereaza ca cimpanzeii au o memorie fotografica extraordinara, mult superioara oamenilor.

Capture2 In testele de memorie efectuate de catre cercetatori japonezi, cimpanzeii tineri i-au surclasat pe studenti. Testele au constat in memorarea unor numere aparute pe un ecran si redarea lor in ordinea corecta. Pana de curand, s-a presupus ca cimpanzeii nu pot atinge performantele de memorie sau alte capacitati ale oamenilor. "Inca sunt multi oameni de stiinta, printre care si multi biologi, care considera ca omul este superior cimpanzeului in toate functiile cognitive", a declarat cercetatorul Tetsuro Matsuzawa, de la Universitatea din Kyoto. "Nimeni nu si-a inchipuit ca cimpanzeii - cimpanzei tineri aflati la varsta de 5 ani - pot atinge performante mai bune la testele de memorie decat oamenii."

Trebuie remarcat insa ca concluziile de mai sus se refera la memoria de scurta durata. Neavand un limbaj atat de dezvoltat ca cel al omului, cimpanzeii sunt nevoiti sa recurga mult mai mult decat acesta la memoria de scurta durata. Se poate presupune ca stramosii omului s-au bazat mult mai mult pe acest tip de memorie, datorita lipsei unui limbaj suficient de dezvoltat pentru a compensa lipsa lui.

(sursa: BBC)


Chimpanzees have an extraordinary photographic memory that is far superior to ours, research suggests.

Young chimps outperformed university students in memory tests devised by Japanese scientists. The tasks involved remembering the location of numbers on a screen, and correctly recalling the sequence. Until now, it had always been assumed that chimps could not match humans in memory and other mental skills. "There are still many people, including many biologists, who believe that humans are superior to chimpanzees in all cognitive functions," said lead researcher Tetsuro Matsuzawa of Kyoto University. "No one can imagine that chimpanzees - young chimpanzees at the age of five - have a better performance in a memory task than humans.

We must remark though that the above conclusions are referred to short-term memory. Because they don't have such an evolved system of language like man does, the chimps rely more on short-term memory. We can assume that our ancestors had the same inclination towards using this kind of memory, to compensate the lack of the elaborate system of language the modern man has.

(source: BBC)

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